Tuesday, May 31, 2011

P&G Coupon Books

Here are some links to get the P&G coupon books.

Dawn P&G Organize in Style Book
Cascade P&G Organize in Style Coupon Book
Cascade P&G Organize in Style Coupon Book (different link)
Mr. Clean P&G Organize in Style Coupon Book
Febreze P&G Organize in Style Coupon Book
Swiffer P&G Organize in Style Coupon Book
Olay P&G Organize in Style Coupon Book


Do you like movies? I know Joe and I do. Here is a deal from Redbox. Rent 2 movies get one free, good through June 12.

Consignment Sale

I know many of you have heard Erica and I talk about the consignment sales. The big one is coming up. Tot Trade Charlotte will run July 28 until July 31. If you register by mid-night on May 31 then registration is only $5! You take home 60% of the sale, unless you volunteer 12 hours. Check out Tot Trade Charlotte for further details.

Free Donut Day June 3rd

Krispy Kreme Locations will be celebrating National Donut Day on June 3rd by giving away FREE Donuts!

One Free Donut Per Person at Participating Locations.

Zuliliy Great Daily Deals

Click Here for some great daily deals at Zulily. They have a great assortment of deals on toys, clothes, and swimwear. I love the personalized blocks for baby. Hurry thing sell out quick! Hey make these deals even better with this coupon code SAVINGSZU512 I just found a tee for Grandpa's xmas, a dress for my daughter and 2 swimsuits all for $41 shipped!

Palmero's Pizza Coupon $1 off 1

Palmero's Pizza is offering $1 off 1 pizza coupon. I love this pizza and usually you can get a pretty good deal print two of these now and save for a sales. Here

$1 Off Diet Coke

Like Diet Coke on Facebook and then click on their Home tab. To recieve a $1 off a 16 or 20 oz Diet Coke Coupon. It’s a Bricks Coupon so make sure to hit back page then refresh to print it twice.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Just Say NO!

Nancy Regan had it right. As mommies we are constantly bombarded with questions. Most of which we answer with no. "Mommy, Can I jump off the house? NO! Mommy, Can I paint the Dog? Nope! Mommy, can I grow up to be a cat? Sorry no, but you can pretend. Mommy, is no your favorite word? No, its yes but I don't get to say it often.
So when the chance comes up for us to say yes it is really exciting. The big one is "can I buy this item for really cheap or free?". Yes! Do I need forty just cause I can?  Every part of us is screaming yes its free get as many as you can. I think this way to but alas I also think about the mom coming after me. Her three kids pinching each other, throwing cookies and suckers in the basket when she is not looking trugding to the last items on her list the free thing she needs. Then bam she gets there and not a one on the shelf. ( by the way that has been me so many times) I hate heading to the store just to find all the items are long gone.
I think the major lesson we all need is moderation. If you need forty to last six weeks then by all means get them. If you are planning on donating them go for, but really if they are going to sit in your pantry until ten years from now, why oh why do you get them. I know they are free, but lets share that freebie with someone else. You can always special order them if you want.
Couponing can become an extreme sport if you let it, but I just do not have the energy to make that happen. I just wanna save a few bucks (ok more than a few) each week and keep the people I love fed and happy. If your an extremer have fun but please please think about us little guys out there and Nancy Regan it.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Please help a local school

Third Creek Elementary School is in Statesville, NC. It just so happens to be my sister's school and in facing budget cuts they are trying to raise money for new technology. If you could go vote it would be greatly appreciated. Pepsi Refresh Third Creek Elementary

Sealy Posturepedic Elated firm Mattress

Sealy Posturepedic Elated firm Mattress for $387! That is a STEAL! Oh did I mention it is Queen size?

O'Charleys Coupon

If you are looking for coupons for eatting out here is one for O'Charleys. Good on Monday 5/30/2011

Coupon Swap

We have set up a new coupon information session. We will be having an event at South Rowan Library on June 8, 2011. It will be from 6p until 830p. Bring questions, expired coupons, coupons you won't use. Let us know if you need further information or directions

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Old Navy Savings

I love Old Navy when they run a sale on their clearance!

5 Free Cards!

Check out Shutterfly and get 5 free cards. Use promo code DADCARD, and all you do is pay shipping.

Enter to Win

Go like Longhorn Steakhouse on Facebook and enter to win a trip to see Luke Bryan in Salt Lake City.

Coupon Class

I sucked it up and went to coupon class with Desirae. She was featured on TLC's Extreme Couponing. Some fun to know facts about her episode they filmed for 24 hours, 7 hours was in the store, 3 of that was spent in checkout. She will admit that she does not shop like that when she goes. She shops like most of us. I find that hard to believe but I went into the class with an open mind. I purposely sat out of line of sight and listened. So many people were overwhelmed with the information. She basically read from a handout.
A few of the keys items I took away were:

  1. Organization. Whether it is a binder, accordion file or whatever works for you.
  2. Lists. She says to make 2 lists. One of items you need with your coupons and one for freebies.
  3. Know your coupon polices. When in doubt print it out.
  4. Money saved is money saved regardless if you have a coupon or not.
  5. Know how many coupons you are going to use when you check out. This way you can check your receipt and make sure you have that many taken off your receipt.

Desirae keeps 3 binders. One for food, one for non-food (paper and cleaning), and one for Target coupons. The binders she has for food and non food are the Mead 5 Star zipper binders. I've seen those as cheap as $10 at Wal-mart, her binder for Target is just a thin 1/2" to 1" binder. She uses baseball card holders for most of the coupons, she had a few in there that were longer so I'm not sure if they were photo holders or what. She has her binders divided by food type, not aisles. She commented that if you shop several stores then the aisle methods isn't always helpful since aisles vary by store.

Something I found interesting is the order in which she hands the cashier her coupons. I hadn't really thought about it. She hands the cashier her mfg q's first, then store coupons, and if it applies Register Rewards, CVS extracare bucks.

Make sure you read your coupons. Per purchase and per transaction do not mean the same thing. With P&G coupons you can't use more than 4 of the same coupon in the same transaction.

As a group we need to find recycling centers in Salisbury, China Grove and in between. Many coupons just tossed out and could be our profit. Also, check with your neighbors, if they aren't going to use their coupons see if you can have them. Please do not take the papers you see sitting in someones driveway without their permission, by law it is stealing.

The important thing is not to get bogged down if you don't save 90%, save what you can. Start small and work your way up. Remember most sale cycles are 6 weeks. Get what you need at a good price to last you 6 weeks.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Stay Sane When Shopping with Kids

Most of you reading this will have to laugh at the idea of a easy trip to the grocery store with kids. I have a 9, 2, and 3 year old so I now what its like. I think about all those times before I had kids and I would say "seriously can't they control that kid" and have to say karma is coming around. My youngest has been blessed with her ability to scream like a victim in a  horror movie. So that everyone in the store shoots me dirty or pityting looks. I have to say I really appreciate the pity because that is a veteran of the supermarket meltdown war. It gives me strength because they made it through alive.
So here are my tips for an easier trip to the grocery store.
Give Them a Job
Logan is the produce bag guy and bottom shelf man (and the mom won't see this thing I throw in the cart kid),
Kylie scratches items off my list as we buy them (or as she sees fit)
Paige either keeps the real list and if the control freak in me allows the coupons or I have her keep a tally of what we spend.
Plan Ahead
When you are making a list try to use the supermarket as your guide. However your store is setup follow that plan. If you walk in and its produce first that should be your first items on your list. Too keep my impulse buying down I shop the perimeter first then hit only the aisle I need. When you are making your list write down what coupons you are going to use and there value. I put these in a envelope. That way you don't have to look through your binder for each item.
Be Fast
You are only going to get a certain amount of time before the world ends so do not go in with the idea of a leisurely stroll through the supermarket. Go in ready to rock and roll. As you get used to shopping with coupons and sales it becomes much easier to do.
Be a Goof
I have no shame when it comes to making sure my kids re having fun. I am that weird mom that duck walks the aisle or pretends that we are on a secret mission to free the frosted flakes. I find accents are a big hit when talking with the meat man or deli person. (the kids love it)
When All Else Fails
Just grab whatever you have to have, pay and run. Its really not worth the time and frustration some days.

Country Crock, Lever and Wishbone Coupon

Three New Printables Here
$0.40/1 Country Crock
$1/1 Lever 2000
$.50/1 Wishbone Salad Dressing

Free Father's Day Card

Tinyprints is offering a free fathers day card. Just use code TYOPRAH at checkout. Then just pay shipping.

Free Pound Ground Chuck

Earth Fare is offering a new coupon for a free pound of Ground Chuck with any $10 purchase. Signup for the newsletter Here to recieve your coupon.

New Coupon Quaker Chewy Bars

$1/ 2 here Manufactures Q
Stack it with this Target printable for even more savings
$1/2 here Store Q

Now you have $2/2 boxes of Quaker Chewy Granola Bars

Monday, May 23, 2011

Red Plum Printables

Redplum loaded a new batch of coupons today that you want to go ahead and print if you want. 
$1.50 off Cutter Product
$1/2 Bar-S Franks or Bologna 16 oz
$1.50/2 M&M’s Brand Chocolate Candies 9.9 oz +
.55/2 Hefty Plates or Cups
$3 off Bengay Product
.75/1 MET-Rx Bar
$2 off Sevin Product
$1 off Sara Lee 1 lb+ deli meat or any Sara Lee pre-sliced meat
$2 off on AMDRO Ant Block, Syringes 2 ct or Stakes 8 ct

New Sample

Garnier Moisture Rescue


Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Printables

Clorox Wand Starter Kit $3/1

$.75/1 Amy's Organics Light & Lean Coupon

$.55/1 Kikkoman Product & $.75/1 Mahatma Brown Rice & $1/1 Smart Balance Milk

 $1/1 Morning Star Farm Breakfast Biscuits

BOGO Old Orchard Cranberry Naturals

Romano's Macaroni Grill $5off

Sign-up for Macaroni Grill's email here http://www.facebook.com/RomanosMacaroniGrill?sk=app_120450321369199 and they will send you a $5off coupon.

I just wanted some chicken!

Well I have to say this week was a bad meal planning week. I had a few items still leftover on the list and the major one that sounded so good was Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken.

I had been drooling over this for days but every time I went to make it something came up or my "I cannot stand one more minute today" attitude defeated it. So Thursday I was determined to make it happen. So I popped out the slower cooker and realized it didn't have a lid. Then realized why. Kylie knocked it off the counter 6 weeks ago, it shattered and I didn't get a new one yet. Ok cancel Thursday but Friday for sure I told myself.
Friday upon inspection of Kohl’s great sales (insert sarcasm 5% off) on kitchen appliances I decided to borrow my mother in laws. Genius I know, why I didn't think of it Thursday?
My motley crew and I stop by pick it up and we eat happily ever after right?
 Um no Kylie knocks it out of the car on accident when we pull up to the house, and wait for it .........the lid shatters!
So I gave up. I settled for grilling chicken breast, snuck in cabbage in the mashed potatoes and boiled the first corn of the season. All in all it was a fantastic meal and I did get bbq chicken but I still want to try the other recipe.

Good Morning Everyone

Anyone have fun at HT (Harris Teeter) this week? I am wanting some brag stories!
I have not made the journey but there are some good deals.

So whats up for this next week:

     Lydia attended a coupon class last week so she will be posting a little about that this week.

     How to stay sane while shopping with toddlers and older children.
 (OK well sometimes these tips work)

     How to say NO to a sale item

     Appreciate yourself for all that you do and don't do to keep your family happy!

Everyone please posts some brag stories I love to hear them. If you want up load a pic or 2. Can't wait to see them!
Also I will be posting some good deals around the web and at stores. So keep an eye out for a fun week.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kids Bowl Free All Summer Long

Wow another great activity for the kids this summer. Kids bowl free is sponsoring a great summer event. Kids can bowl 2 free games everyday all summer long at participating lanes.
Select bowling centers and schools around the country are participating in the first ever Kids Bowl Free program. This program is designed by bowling centers to give back to the community and provide a safe, secure, and fun way for kids to spend time this summer.
Children whose age does not exceed a limit by a participating bowling center are eligible to register for 2 free games a day, all summer long, courtesy of the participating bowling centers along with the schools and organizations.

Find a participating bowling center near you : http://www.kidsbowlfree.com/   Those in the Kannapolis area Foxfire Lanes is offering this program.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

New Coupons

Some New Printables for Everyone

B1G1 Free Athenos Greek Yogurt Coupon

$2/1 Celebration Foods Ice Cream Cake or Dessert Coupon

$.55/1 Gerber Graduates Yogurt Blend Snacks (4 pk) Coupon

$1.10/2 Kunzler Bun Length Franks Coupon

$1/1 Nivea Sun-Kissed Radiant Product Coupon

$1/2 Ritz or Ritz Bitz Crackers Coupon

$4/10 Weight Watchers Smart Ones Products Coupon

Harris Teeter Triples

Harris Teeter is Tripling coupons up to $0.99 till Tuesday. Go to http://www.southernsavers.com/ for a comprehensive list of coupons and sale items. My advice is shop these deals early they do not last long. Also HT only allows 3 like coupons per trip and will only triple up to 20 coupons per day. Remember to smile at the cashier and ask them how they are. A good attitude goes a long way to making your shopping trip easier. (I know almost immposible with kids screaming, a million people trying to get there shopping done and some sweet person stopping to talk when you only have five minutes till you have to be somewhere.)

TLC Extreme Coupon Fraud

CIC Position on Extreme Couponing

May 5, 2011.

The Coupon Information Corporation (CIC) expresses our great disappointment with TLC’s current series, Extreme Couponing, and hereby offers our expertise and other assistance to TLC and Sharp Entertainment (which produces the show) to enhance the program with more accurate and realistic information. In addition, we hope they address potentially illegal acts that appear to have been portrayed on the show.
Professionals in the coupon industry believe this show creates unrealistic expectations about how coupons work and promotes the misuse of coupons. For example, the show appears to portray coupons being used in violation of the terms and conditions printed on the coupons, such as using coupons to obtain products other than those specified by the coupon offer, and focuses on consumers who have procured large quantities of coupon inserts from unknown sources, which may raise civil and/or criminal issues.
In real life, individuals attempting to use such large quantities of coupons or attempting to use them in violation of the terms stated on the coupons would most likely have their coupons refused at the register or, depending on the circumstances, be investigated by law enforcement. According to media reports, TLC recently stated,
“While the series documents extreme couponing strategies, we take any concerns about specific tactics seriously and are looking into the situation.” We look forward to hearing what TLC discovers.
The CIC’s and other industry experts’ previous offers of assistance to the producers to make this an educational show were previously turned down. Nevertheless, we stand ready to help in the event the producers or TLC reconsider their path and seek to turn this into a show that accurately reflects appropriate coupon strategies and use, which would result in real benefits for TLC’s viewing audience.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Three Principles to Saving Money at the Grocery Store

Three Principles to Saving Money at the Grocery Store

The First is Plan Ahead

Take the time to look at whats on sale and make a list of items that you will be saving at least 40% on. This is really where most of your savings come from.
Use this list to make a Menu Plan. I try every 2 weeks to make a menu plan. I don't always stick to it and really as long as I have enough meals planned out then we interchange them as we feel like it. I try to have at least half of the meals be something that is a quick fix, (Tacos, Spaghetti, Hot dogs Mac & Cheese, Salads, Crockpot dinners) Also don't forget lunches and breakfasts. Generally I don't make a meal plan for these I just have easy access food on hand.

The Second is Coupons
To really get the most savings possible use coupons. There are tons of coupons out the just waiting to be redeemed. Some store will double your coupons to save you even more. When you combine the sales and coupons you will see something crazy happen. You start paying pennies for things you used to spend dollars on.

The Third is Stockpiling
This can be the most daunting for most people. To me it sounds like you are setting up your bomb shelter or something. Really its not as bad as it may seem. It simply means stocking up one certain items that you will use in four weeks. An example is my family will have some sort of pasta at least 8 times in 4 to 6 weeks. So if I see pasta that is at my lowest price then I will buy 8-10 packages.

Grocery store run a 4 to 6 week cycle of sales. Which means one week they will have a killer sale on cereal. Then the next week meat or fish and by the 4 or 6 week its cereal again. There are many ways you can determine your lowest price. I keep it in my head others like a list. (You can easily make one on excel. I will put up an example in a later post.)

I hope this helps you get your savings started and really if you do nothing else but the first step you are saving at least 40%. Good luck and have fun!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ok chickens secured. Logan is the official chicken man<:)>

$1 Cinemark Summer Movie

Great Idea to have fun with the kids. Tuesdays and Wednesays @ 10am Regal Cinemas will play a selection of G & PG rated movies for just $1.00 per movie or save a bundle and purchase all 10 for $5.00 ahead of time. There are limited number of early passes. You can only use 1 pass per movie. For more details click here http://www.cinemark.com/summer-movie-clubhouse

XBox 360 sweepstakes

Check Out the New Microsoft sweepstakes
There is a chance to win XBox 360 with Kinect and a trip
Enter now! http://on.fb.me/g3ekout

Petco Free Cat Food

Petco is offering a FREE 3 oz. can of Fancy Feast Gourmet Cat Food
or Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys Cat Food while supplies last so hurry on over and print yours.

Petco free can of cat food http://www.petco.com/petco_page_PC_tastemakerscoupon.aspx
Currently chasing escaped chickens

Sunday, May 15, 2011


So here are a few of the major abbreviations and some lingo couponers use.
BOGO- Buy One Get One free
$/2 or $/3- Amount off the purchase of the second number (ex. 50/3 SS)
SS- Smart Source Sunday newspaper insert
RP- Red Plum Sunday newspaper insert
PG- Procter and Gamble Sunday newspaper insert
GM- General Mills Sunday newspaper insert
Printable- Printable from the Internet
Catalina- Coupon printed at checkout on separate paper
MIR- Mail In Rebate
MQ- Manufacture coupon
SQ- Store coupon
Blinkie- Found in store usually a machine with the blinking red light
Tearpad- Found in store
Peelie- Peel off found on product

Some examples of the abbreviations from above:

50/2 ss 5/15- 50 cents off the purchase of 2 items. Coupon can be found in Smart Source insert from Sunday May 15th.

$1 rp 5/15- $1.00 off coupon to be found in the Red Plum insert from Sunday May 15th.

50/3 peelie- 50 cents off purchase of 3 products. Coupon found of product.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Coupon Swap events

Starting this month we will be organizing different events for people to meet and swap ideas and coupons. If you are interested in attending please leave me a comment below. The events will be around the Cabarrus and Rowan Area.

Welcome to NCcouponmommies

Hello everyone and thanks so much for stopping by. This is our very first blog so I thought I would tell everyone who I am. My name is Erica, I am a stay at home mom of 3, a student, and soon part time Pharmacy Tech. Life is throwing my family for curves but we are still riding along just buckled up a little tighter than before. I have been married to my loving husband for 5 years. I have a 9 yr old an almost 3 yr old girl and an almost 4 yr old boy. (Yes I know they outnumber us) My 2 littlest are 10 1/2 months apart so learning to multitask has been a crash course. My parents have recently moved in with us and brought us 2 more mouths to feed and 4 extra hands to help.
So saving money is why your here so I will get down to it.
In the next week or so I will start posting the major ways to save your family cash at the grocery store, drugstores, and at everywhere else I can think of. I will give you the principles to coupons, sale cycles, stockpiling, and all the lingo. One of the things to remember is Do Not Get Overwhelmed! Start slow saving money is easier than you think and can be learned quickly, but if its to much just step back from it and realize this isn't a race or a competition just a new way of shopping.