Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Harris Teeter Super Doubles....

Who took advantage last week and went to the Harris Teeter for SUPER DOUBLES??

I usually make at least one trip. This week I made two, the most desired item on the list was Mrs. Butterworth's Syrup and  Purina Dog Food at B1G1. How could I pass it up at $0.09 and breakfast for dinner was on the menu. 

Each trip I spent about $35 but saved on one trip $45 and the second $55. I tried to go at off times so that I wouldn't have to contend with long lines or people. I went early Saturday and after work (I get off at 3) one day during the week. The only item I noticed being low the syrup but since the 3 of us only need one that is all I cared about getting. 

Anyone have any other great finds? Who is going to try and do Lowe's Super Doubles? I would, maybe, if one was closer.

Time has flown

Wow what a difference a year makes.

I have graduated with two degrees with honors in May 2013. I have been working since January, and going back for my bachelors degree. My sister moved in, my sister moved out.

Life as "normal". Whatever that means these days. Lord knows that this week has been a challenge with back to school stuff in full swing not only for me but my sister.

My favorite blonde headed three-year-old is loving all the attention she gets from her aunt. She talking up a storm and pointing out everything. Her favorite food of the moment is a Taco Bell cheese roll-up. We can be driving down the road and sees a billboard or the sign on the side of the high way and pipes up with, "Mommy, Taco Bell right there." As she emphatically is pointing out the window at the exit. Now if we could only tackle the potty training monster. I know, I know it will come.

That is a condensed version of the year, how has your month been?